Does WomenAide Accept Cash Donations?

No. We only accept personal, goods-in-kind donations.

"Goods-In-Kind”… What Are These?

Women who seek refuge at abuse shelters are fleeing domestic violence. Sometimes in a panic, they arrive with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Creature comforts such as a new toothbrush, toothpaste, a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo can sure come in handy. Other items such as feminine hygiene products, face cloths, diapers for babies, infant formula, school supplies for children and non–perishable food stuffs are also appreciated.

Items such as these are called “goods-in-kind”. Donated with your kindness and generosity, WomenAide collects and delivers – bringing awareness and support to the need.

Your donated goods are used in two ways. They are used by families staying at a shelter or they are packaged in “support kits” to the families that have transitioned out of the shelter in to housing. Either way, they go towards a heart-felt purpose.

For liability and personal hygiene reasons, all donated products MUST be unopened. We do NOT collect clothing, toys, household appliances, hotel toiletries or trial size products.

Why Donate to WomenAide?

Think about the good fortune you’ve had in your life and compare it to these unfortunate women. Or perhaps you have known of someone in your life that has suffered - quietly.

Image the mental strain of trying to manage daily life and raise children in a household that is dominated by fear and suppression.

Verbal or physical abuse against women is simply wrong. It is a brutal attempt to control by a domineering spouse. It is damaging to a woman’s self-esteem and can smother personal potential. It is dangerous for children to hear and to inherit.

Do Something Good Today and Give

The next time you are out shopping, think of the women that have fled abuse the night before - and pick up a few extra things at the store. Give a creature comfort that a woman in this situation would really appreciate.

Review our suggestion list on our website and bring your donations to a WomenAide collection. Contact our office for donation drop-off details.

Remember: These women are very brave. They’ve pulled together courage to leave their homes, often with children – to start new, peaceful lives. What a challenge - but what beauty in that moment. Reward them and give!